Hello! This is Q (Q姐姐), one of the founder of Photo One By Q as well as the chief photographer of it.
I believe Photographer isn’t just a career. Moreover, It is a responsibility and expertise.Especially be a family photographer, taking every precious photo from customer’s perspective for your family with passion.
I love to hear different stories from different families. It’s the sixth year of my photographer career, and I’ve been photographed over thousands of babies. Specializing taking the photos of newborn baby, pregnancy and family.
My major- Digital Visual Design in the university, which makes me being good at designing such as home decor element ie. floral, baskets, texture blankets etc, to create romantic, natural or minimalist styles.
I hope everyone will enjoy the whole shooting in my studio. Can’t wait to see you.
Hello!我係Q (Q姐姐),係Photo One By Q 嘅創辦⼈之⼀,我認為攝影師並唔係⼀個職業咁簡單,⽽係⼀份責任、⼀份專業。
尤其作為家庭攝影師, 我會喺客⼈嘅⾓度出發,為你嘅家庭拍攝每⼀張真貴嘅回憶, 靠著呢份熱誠,帶領我喺拍攝⾏業走過第6個年頭,拍攝過千個BB, 我亦專⾨拍攝初⽣Baby、孕照及家庭照。
我喺⼤學時期,主修讀媒體視覺藝術設計(digital visual design) 令到我喺拍攝上⾯善於鋪排各種元素,例如花藝、籃、質感布料, 營造出浪漫、溫馨⽽簡約嘅歐式風格。
婚禮攝影師出⾝嘅我, 擁有多年臨場經驗亦令到我喺拍攝家庭照嘅時候能引導客⼈, 輕鬆拍攝⽣動⽽富有情感嘅照⽚, 我希望呢啲珍貴嘅照⽚,你在多年後拿起相簿能⼀ ⼀細味!
Miss Toto's name comes from her previous profession. Before becoming a photographer, Miss Toto was a painting teacher, and her rich teaching experience made her adept at photographing children. She had previously taught art courses at school and had unique insights and techniques for photography. Miss Toto's photographic style is full of artistry, with a keen sense of touch and a delicate sensitivity, adept at capturing moments of beauty and emotion. She excels in using light and color to create atmosphere and emotion, making each photo full of vitality and charm.
In addition to photography, Miss ToTo also has a strong interest in design and art. She often combines her own photography with design to create stunning works. She hopes to develop her photography skills and style through art, and bring her work to more people to appreciate.
Miss Toto is a talented and creative female photographer who captures the beauty and emotion of life in a unique way, and transforms it into unforgettable works of art. Her name not only represents her previous identity, but also represents her love and pursuit of photography and art.
Miss Toto佢嘅名字源自佢以前嘅職業。喺成為攝影師之前,Miss Toto係一位繪畫老師,豐富嘅教學經驗令佢拍攝小朋友時得心應手~佢曾經喺學校教授美術課程,對於攝影細節有獨特嘅見解同技巧。Miss Toto嘅攝影風格充滿藝術性,有好敏銳嘅觸覺同細膩嘅感受力,善於捕捉瞬間嘅美麗同情感。佢擅長利用光線同色彩去營造氛圍同情感,令每一張照片都充滿生命力同魅力。
除咗攝影,Miss ToTo仲對設計同藝術有濃厚嘅興趣,佢常常將自己嘅攝影作品同設計結合起嚟,創造出令人驚艷嘅作品。佢希望可以透過藝術發展自己嘅攝影技巧同風格,同時將自己嘅作品帶俾更多嘅人欣賞。
Miss Toto係一位充滿才華同創意嘅女攝影師,佢以獨特嘅方式捕捉生活中嘅美麗同情感,並且將其轉化為令人難以忘懷嘅藝術作品。佢嘅名字唔單止代表住佢以前嘅身份,仲代表住佢對攝影同藝術嘅熱愛同追求。
係IG見到PhotoOne嘅相已經好鍾意❤️!暖白波希米亞文青風完完全全hit中我想同小寶貝影before and after嘅心意☺️ 今次影完Before,Q姐姐同miss ToTo好用心,又會教我同老公兩個好少影相嘅人擺pose🤣期待下次After再見~多謝你哋令我哋留下美麗嘅孕照回憶😍
'Kiu did a great job for my family . Very patient with my cranky two year old and so professional with my newborn .We had a great session with them and their human relation is awesome. i would recommend Kiu Yip, any day and anytime.'
Q姐姐同化妝師都非常專業! 兩位都係好擅長溝通,令成個攝影過程好順暢,爸爸、媽媽同bb都影得好靚好開心❤️ (我哋都係完全唔識擺pose既人,係攝影師指導下不經不覺咁好快就完成左好多張相,完全唔會覺得累😆) 化妝師化既妝好靚、好自然,亦非常樂意同客人溝通妝容要求,過程好快手,第一次比人化妝唔洗化到標哂眼水😂 令我好surprise既係攝影師影bb好有一手,好有耐性哄bb,同時亦可以好快手咁捕捉到bb每個表情,唔會怕miss左! Studio場地佈置好靚、好舒服,亦有提供換片station同各種消毒用品,好感謝你每一次耐心等候我幫bb換尿片、餵奶🫶🏻 如果有機會再影其他相,都一定會搵番2位🥰
'We had our maternity photos done with #Q姐姐and she was so friendly and amazing. Pays attention to detail and was always giving guidance to how to pose to make you look fabulous in the photos. They were so understanding and patient (we had 2 dogs that came with us for the shoot) with us!'
‘We had Q help us take family photos with our two month old baby. It was amazing watching her handle our baby - she was very very skilled! Not only that, the photos turned out so beautifully! We will definitely be back for more photos with our baby boy! Thank you Q…’
攝影師Q好細⼼⼜有耐性 ⼜識得引我女女笑整個團隊都好Nice 我全家都好滿意 #原圖已經好滿意」
A very wonderful experience ! My baby enjoyed the shooting and she had fun time with Q 💖 highly recommend Q and her studio to anyone who likes natural style family portrait
收到精選相片已經覺得好喜歡好喜歡好喜歡🥰 好開心搵到Q姐姐,一睇到哩個少有嘅色tone同歐式風格就被吸引。成個拍攝過程舒服流暢,Q姐姐一開始就拎咗幾款靚裙衫仔比我哋揀,襯埋頭飾,啱晒選擇困難同襯衫白痴。短時間內摸索、顧及BB性格同當下狀態,捕捉各樣表情,同時調教攝影器材等等真係好唔簡單,父母對住BB咁長時間都好難影到,但Q姐姐好專業,好落力引BB(BB都好鍾意望住Q姐姐),好細心咁留意每個變動BB適唔適應,我同老公只需要放心投入咁同BB玩。 同步係ipad睇住影緊啲咩,心底不斷呼喊好可愛,仲要即晚收到精選相片,睇到津津有味,超近鏡、半身、全身全部都好鍾意。🤭最鍾意係作品睇到BB signature pose同表情,同埋同爸媽平日互動真實嘅面貌。近1歲哩個階段嘅BB開始識互動、有反應,好值得留住童真。真心需要相底全包嘅package因爲一定揀唔落手,會介紹比身邊爸媽。